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Required Equipment

Students are required to be properly equipped at all times. We would ask you as parents to check regularly that students still have the following items:

  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Highlighters
  • Rubber
  • Ruler
  • A scientific calculator We recommend this Casio (also available from other retailers)
  • A dictionary
  • An exercise book for 'draft' work
  • A suitable bag, (i.e. a bag capable of holding A4 sized exercise books)

Specific subjects may require additional resources when projects are being made to go home: such as art, food preparation and nutrition and resistant materials. Students will be told about these requirements from subject teachers when the occasion arises.


Students are advised not to bring valuables to college. The college does not accept responsibility for any valuables brought in.

Lap/palm top computers, etc. should not be brought to college except in connection with specific lessons, before and after which they should be given to staff for safe-keeping. Mobile phones must remain switched off throughout the college day except during lunch and break times. Personal music players may be listened to at break or lunchtime, but not between or during lessons.

Lost property

Please ensure that all uniform, sports kit and other belongings are named. Lost property is located in Mrs Phipps’ office at the top of the old PE corridor. Named items will be returned to students. Unnamed items will be kept for a limited time and will then be disposed of. Students can look in lost property between 1.30 – 1.45 every day. Any bags or belongings left in classrooms or on top of lockers will be periodically removed and taken to lost property.

The college can accept no responsibility for loss of, or damage to, valuables brought to college.


A, I and E Years:

All tutor groups have padlock lockers. Students are to supply their own padlock for their locker. Should they forget their key or combination this will be treated in the same way as any other equipment being forgotten. Should a student require a padlock to be removed due to loss of key or combination then they should inform their Tutor who will arrange for the padlock to be removed.

End of Term:

At the end of term all students must empty their lockers and remove padlocks.

Teachers have high expectations of what their students can achieve.
