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Student Wellbeing

Useful Links

Here are useful links for you to access the support that you need and there are Apps at the end of this page:

BEEZEE in Hertfordshire

Beezee Youth is a free, 10 week programme for 13 - 17 year olds. The programme was created with the help of young people like you. Choose from a selection of courses - from anxiety and body image to mindfulness and social media. Beezee are here to talk about health and wellbeing topics that matter to you.


If you are concerned about online safety or bullying visit CEOP to learn about internet safety and report online abuse.


ChatHealth is a confidential texting service offered by the Hertfordshire School Nursing Team. It’s safe and easy for you to speak to a qualified health professional. We provide advice, help and support to teenagers, with any health issues such as mental and emotional health, sexual health, healthy eating, bullying, alcohol, drugs, and stopping smoking. Whatever’s on your mind, we can help. Even if you just need someone who understands or want advice for a friend.

Chat Health 07480 635050

Childline - 'online and on the 'phone, anytime'

Children’s Wellbeing Practitioners (CWP) Service CWPs are trained to deliver manualised guided self-help interventions for anxiety, low mood and behavioural difficulties.

Children's Wellbeing Practitioners Service

The Children’s Wellbeing Practitioner (CWP) training programme was driven by Health Education England as a response to ensure that children, young people and their parents/carers have access to evidence based preventative and early intervention support for common emotional wellbeing and mental health difficulties. The aim of the HCT Children’s Wellbeing Practitioners is to ensure that children and young people can easily access evidence-based support, early in the development of the problem through workshops, groups and 1-1 interventions. Adolescent Anxiety (For young people aged 11-19) Adolescent Low Mood (For young people aged 11-19).

First Steps Eating Disorders

Support for people with eating disorders (parent led aged 0-5, CYP age 5-18).

Free Colgate toothpaste

We have tubes of Colgate Triple Action toothpaste, available to order, free of charge, via our pre-loved uniform website, Uniformd. Items ordered via Uniformd can be collected by students or parents/carers from the college office.

Free Period Products

We are able to order a range of products including standard, organic and reusable pads and tampons as well as menstrual cups and period pants. We have boxes of products located around the college that you can discreetly help yourself to or you can ask for products at the college office. We realise that you might find this awkward so we have also made the products available to order, free of charge, via our pre-loved uniform website, Uniformd. Items ordered via Uniformd can be collected by students or their parents/carers from the college office.

Health for Teens

The Health for Teens website has lots of useful information relating to feelings, growing up, health, lifestyle, relationships and sexual health. Whether you're looking for specific help or you're not sure where to turn first, they can help you find the right person to set you on your way.

Help you help them

A toolkit for you to help your friends with mental health struggles.

Healthy Young Minds in Herts

Is a website that contains information on many services that can provide help for children and young people who may be experiencing emotional or mental health difficulties and has separate sections for young people and parents & carers

Hertfordshire Beacon Victim Care Service

Provides support to anyone who has been affected by crime. The current situation may have a huge impact on someone’s ability to cope and recover from a crime or incident. They are still providing support via phone and email to victims and witnesses, regardless of how long ago the crime happened or whether it has been reported to the police. Please see website for further information.

Herts Haven Café - withYouth

Herts Haven Cafés are a free welcoming drop-in space for young people in Hertfordshire between the ages of 10 and 18. Just pop into a Herts Haven Café in Hemel Hempstead, Watford, Stevenage or Ware.

Herts Mind Network

Herts Mind Network have launched a new early intervention and prevention helpline for children and young people aged 10-17 in Herts. The helpline will provide a safe, non-judgemental space to talk to a Young People Advisor or Mentor who will provide emotional support, advice and information and discuss coping strategies. For opening hours and more information please visit the Young Peoples Helpline website. Helpline number is 01923 256391.

Herts Young Homeless

This is a Hertfordshire charity providing services to support vulnerable people. Their focus is on preventing homelessness and they can provide family mediation.

Just Talk

Information and support for young people and parents with concerns regarding Mental Health.

NHS Wellbeing Service

The Adult Community Mental Health Services provides a Wellbeing Service that offers free and confidential talking therapy and practical support for Hertfordshire residents (over 16) experiencing a wide range of mental health problems such as: worry, low mood, insomnia and stress. If you feel that you would benefit from the service, are over 16 years and are registered with a GP in Hertfordshire, you can self-refer via this website.

Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention

Are you, or is a young person you know, not coping with life? For confidential suicide prevention advice contact HOPELINE247 ON: 0800 068 41 41 or text: 07860 039967.

Safecall - missing people

SafeCall is a free, confidential and anonymous helpline and support service for young people and family members that are affected by missing, county lines and criminal exploitation. The service is open 9am to 11pm; 7 days a week. Call or text 116 000.


Information on their website re. ‘how we can help’ or telephone 116 123, 24 hours a day, every day.

Sandbox Homepage (mindler.co.uk)

The Sandbox is an NHS-funded service to support children and young people in Hertfordshire with their mental health and well-being. The Sandbox is a central place for resources about common mental health issues, with information on how to access additional support or emergency services.

Services for Young People

Services for Young People projects for young people in the East Herts district. The Services for Young People East Herts Team runs a wide range of groupwork projects for young people at our young people’s centres as well as street-based projects across the district.


Signpost offer counselling to young people aged 10-25.


A digital service that provides support to young people who are experiencing mental health needs or would like support with their emotional wellbeing. The service is open every day from 2pm-10pm.


If you are experiencing issues with gambling.

YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People

This website has lots of information to support young people as well as guidance for parents/carers.

Young People’s Sanctuary

Targeted and group support for asylum seekers and refugees aged 11-16. Contact youngpeoplessanctuary@barnardos.org.uk for more information.

Young Pride in Herts

The Young Pride in Herts website is for young people in the LGBT+ community in Hertfordshire.

Apps to download for self-help

There are a variety of apps for IOS and android devices that can support your mental health.

Calm Harm

Free app with password protection that provides a range of techniques to relive emotional distress. It’s particularly helpful if you often use self-harm to cope.

Stay Alive

The Stay Alive app is a suicide prevention resource for the UK. It has tools to help keep people safe in times of crisis, details of the emergency or support services to contact in Hertfordshire. You can use it if you are experiencing difficulties with your mental health or having thoughts of suicide or if you are concerned about someone else who may be considering suicide.

Mind Shift

Free app with advice managing anxiety and relaxation methods.

Recharge – Move Well, Sleep Well, Be Well

Uses a free, personalised 6-week programme to help you improve your mood and energy levels

Smiling Mind

Provides free mindfulness meditations aimed at reducing stress, anxiety and concentration levels.

Breathe+ Breath Timer Trainer app

Simple way to visualize your breathing. Use Breathe+ for daily relaxation, meditation or breath training

Action for happiness app

Gives you friendly 'nudges' with an action idea each day. Sends you inspiring messages to give you a boost. Helps you connect & share ideas with like-minded people.