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All pupils in years 9-11 follow an extensive, stable and explicit careers programme built around the Gatsby Benchmarks which identify eight key areas of an effective careers curriculum. Our careers programme is delivered in a variety of ways, including PSHCRE Days, careers talks, external speakers and employer engagement opportunities, whilst ensuring that it is personalised to address the needs of all students at different stages in their education.

In the A year, students are encouraged to consider the links between their college curriculum and future employment when choosing the GCSE options; whilst the I and E years are advised on the current career and labour market during PSHCRE Days, to ensure that they fully understand the opportunities and varying career paths available to them post-16.

As a school we are delighted to be a part of the Hertfordshire Careers Hub working closely with the Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership. This can ensure that we are able to provide students and parents with up to date information on the Hertfordshire Labour Market.

Students will also receive in depth guidance on writing CVs, application letters and applying for apprenticeships or employment. Further assistance for each of these areas can be found on the college portal where students and parents can download help sheets and access a range of support links.

Students are also invited to meet individually with an independent careers' advisor from Services for Young People. These guidance interviews can occur at any point between the years 9-13, at the student’s request and their tutor’s recommendation, to best prepare them for their next steps in education, as early as possible. Further to this, in year 11, students are given a mock interview from an independent employment provider to prepare them for potential education or career interviews in the future.

Students will use the subscription site Unifrog to explore information on a wide variation of careers and activities to help them to understand their possible career interests as early as possible. Students will also encounter a variety of different workplaces through our annual Careers Fair and virtual careers talks hosted by Speaker’s For Schools. Additionally, year 11 are provided with talks and taster days from both further and higher education providers to provide them with an experience of different post-18 paths. Further guidance for apprenticeships and further education can be found at Amazing Apprenticeships.

Our annual Careers Fair and lunchtime career talks feature, but are not exclusive to, visitors from the following careers and employers:

  • Accountancy
  • Architecture
  • Agriculture
  • Banking
  • Barrister
  • Construction
  • Consultancy
  • Engineering
  • Gaming Development
  • IT
  • Journalism
  • Law
  • Marketing
  • Medicine
  • Mechanics
  • Midwifery
  • Music
  • Nursing
  • Occupational Health
  • Pharmacy
  • Pilot
  • Podiatry
  • Teaching
  • Technical Theatre and Lighting

Our careers programme is regularly monitored and evaluated against the Gatsby Benchmarks by Miss Roberts (Head of PSHCRE and Careers), the Senior Leadership Team and Governing Body. After PSHCRE Days there is also the use of student focus groups and surveys to review the effectiveness and impact on all of our students. Additional information on the broader summary and breakdown of our careers curriculum can be found on our PSHCRE page. Staff should check the college calendar for the dates for information about this year’s PSHCRE curriculum.

As a college we are committed to providing our students with regular opportunities to interact with a variety of employment providers. Any provider wishing to request access will find details in the Provider Access policy.

Document Title
Careers newsletter - spring 2024 Download
Careers newsletter - summer 2024 Download