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Sixth Form Bursary

The government’s 16 to 19 Bursary scheme provides schools and colleges with funds to assist a small number of identified students with the costs of continuing in post-16 education. To help us identify students who are able to claim this financial support, we initially refer to the list of students who are registered as being eligible for Free School Meals or Pupil Premium support. If your son or daughter is in either of these groups they will have been identified for bursary support.

Students in the following groups are also automatically eligible for bursary support:

  • People in care (as defined by Social Services)
  • Care leavers
  • Young people claiming income support or Universal Credit (UC) because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or partner
  • Those receiving Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP) in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or UC in their own right

We ask you to advise us, in confidence, if your son or daughter is in any of the categories listed above. We are required to keep on file a copy of any proof of entitlement to the above (e.g. a letter of confirmation that they are receiving a particular allowance), so you will be asked to send originals of any document that would serve this purpose with your letter. The original will be returned promptly.

If a student is deemed eligible for this type of bursary, a member of the pastoral team will meet with them to discuss their needs for the year and create a financial plan.

Discretionary Bursary

In addition, students who are members of households with a gross annual household income of below £27,000 or who are facing other financial constraints may be eligible for a discretionary bursary. To find out if you are eligible please complete the application form below and return it to Mrs Chaplin, via the college office. For all applications you must provide proof of entitlement through supporting documentary evidence of household income or the allowances received by the student. There is a list of suitable evidence on the application form.

If your son or daughter is not in any of the above categories but you feel there may be reasons why financial support is appropriate, please contact us. We would ask that letters or emails should be received in college by Friday 27 September 2024.

Finally, if your son or daughter is not currently eligible for bursary support but their circumstances change during the course of the academic year, please let us know as we may be able to offer some assistance.

The government has very strict rules on how we are allowed to use this funding and we need to base it on the needs of each individual student. We also need to supply it in the form of resources or vouchers where possible as opposed to making payments directly to the student.

We can use the bursary to help students with the cost of travel, to buy essential books, equipment or specialist clothing (such as protective overalls, for example). These are items the student would otherwise need to pay for in order to participate.

We cannot use the bursary to provide learning support (e.g. counselling or mentoring), support extra-curricular activities that are not essential to the student’s study programme or support general household incomes.

Document Title
Sixth Form Bursary 2024-25 Download
Bursary application form 2024-25 Download

Students are well cared for in the sixth form. Students told inspectors that they could approach any member of staff if they had a problem.
