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There are 5 Members and 9 Trustees constituting the Governance of Freman College as per our Articles.

Correspondence for the Chair of Trustees should be sent to:

Mrs J Martin, Chair of Trustees

c/o Freman College

Bowling Green Lane

Buntingford SG9 9BT

Freman College Members, Trustees and Governors

Name Role Date of appointment / resignation
Mrs Carole Bennett Member 01/10/2024 -
Mr Graham Bonner Member 01/10/2024 -
Mr Julian Leigh Member 01/10/2024 -
Mrs Jackie Martin Member 01/09/2014 -
Mr David Paull-Wills Member 01/10/2024 -
Mrs Jackie Martin Chair of Trustees 01/09/2014
Mrs Sue Coote Vice Chair of Trustees 29/09/2014 -
Dr Sara Aguilar Staff Trustee 20/11/2017 -
Mrs Susie Angus Community Trustee 29/11/2021 -
Mrs Charlotte Claydon Parent Trustee 28/09/2020 -
Ms Lisa Jones Headteacher / Staff Trustee 01/09/2004 -
Mrs Wen Man Parent Trustee 11/07/2022 -
Mr Michael Nicholas Parent Trustee 28/09/2020 -
Mr David Paull-Wills Community Trustee 29/09/2014 -
Mr Matt Grimley Staff Governor 04/07/2016 -
Dr Anastasia Vishnivetskaya Staff Governor 22/06/2015 -
Mrs Gill Perkins Community Governor 03/09/2013 -
Ms Samantha Hebditch Company Secretary 01/08/2011 -
Mrs Nicola Willcocks Clerk 01/02/2024 -

Local Governing Body Committees

The Local Governing body delegates a number of its duties to two subcommittees.

Curriculum & Personnel Resources (Finance & Premises)
Mr David Paull-Wills (Chair) Mrs Sue Coote (Chair)
Mrs Susie Angus Dr Sara Aguilar
Mr Graham Bonner Mrs Charlotte Claydon
Mrs Wen Man Mr Matt Grimley
Mrs Jackie Martin Ms Lisa Jones
Dr Ana Vishnivetskaya Mr Mike Nicholas
Mrs Gill Perkins

Designated Governors

Name Designation
Mrs Gill Perkins Health & Safety
Mrs Jackie Martin Governor development
Mr David Paull-Wills Child protection and inclusion

Document Downloads

Document Title
Schedule of Governors' meetings 2024-25 Download
Governors' Pen Portraits 2024-25 Download
Governors' Declarations of Business Interests Download

Freman College - an academy trust

Freman College converted to academy status in August 2011 and as such is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee, company number 07686458.

Our registered office is:

Freman College

Bowling Green Lane




Tel: 01763 271818

Further information can be found in the academy financial statements and annual report which can be accessed here: Financial statements

Leaders, including governors, have high ambitions for the college. They are restless to improve and have overseen significant developments in the quality of education since the last inspection.
