Students and parents tell us that they really like the way the college’s pastoral system is organised and the support it provides.
When they join the college, each student becomes a member of one of our four Houses, Butler, Hepworth, Mills and Moore. Siblings are always placed in the same House.
In charge of each house is a Head of House assisted by ten group tutors. Each tutor has care of a tutor group of around twenty-four students drawn from all year groups. Students remain in the same vertical tutor group throughout their time at the college and it provides a ‘family’ unit within which they grow and develop. When they join the college they are mentored by the older students in their tutor group, who provide positive role models for them. As they grow older, they too take on responsibility for the younger students and organise tutor group and House activities.
We place great emphasis at Freman on the importance of respecting others and we believe this is reflected in the positive and caring relationships to be found between staff and students and between students themselves. Neither staff of the college nor the students
tolerate bullying or unkindness.